Adopted 11/26/2014

Each degree program can be completed in 10 quarters (BSCS, BSWD, BSIS, and BSTM) or 12 quarters (BSGD) if all courses are passed the first time they are taken. For a degree program, each course needed to fulfill graduation requirements is offered on a set schedule. In the event that a student fails one or more courses, leaves the university for a period of time, or reschedules a course(s), one or more courses required for their graduation (that the student either has not taken or has taken but not passed) may not be available. Generally, the more courses failed, or the longer a student is away from the university, the more likely this will occur for a student. If one or more of the courses a student needs for graduation is no longer available to them because the course has been “taught out,” or has already been offered multiple times to students in a cohort, the student may be required to take a substitute course, complete a course at their own expense through concurrent enrollment, or change degree programs.

Students are encouraged to pass each course the first time it is taken, which is usually the result of: few absences, utilization of resources (e.g. instructor office hours, academic coaches, study sessions, use of online resources such as, completion of all readings and homework assignments, attention in class, taking comprehensive class notes, and notifying the instructor when course content is not understood.



Adopted 11/4/2014

Some Neumont University students temporarily leave school and notify the University of a specific return-date. Reasons for their departure are typically medical, service, personal, or administrative in nature.

A Leave of Absence (LOA) status differentiates these students with a specific return date from other students who withdraw or are dismissed and who may or may not return at some undefined date in the future. An LOA may last no more than three years.


Requirements for Leave of Absence

 A student on LOA will be given a Neumont status of Leave of Absence. The Financial Aid Office will process an LOA student in the same manner as a withdrawn or dismissed student, since the student’s financial aid will not continue during their leave of absence; the student will need to be re-packaged for financial aid when they return to the University.

  • Students are advised that a Leave of Absence does NOT defer repayment of educational loans.
  • A scholarship in good standing is placed on hold, as long as the student does not enroll in another school before returning to the University.


 Students may not enroll at any other higher education institution during the Leave of Absence.

  • Students may be concurrently enrolled in courses at other schools, but may not enroll in another degree-seeking program during the LOA.
  • Students will be able to access Neumont email accounts.
  • If an LOA is approved during a quarter, the student will be subject to the course add/drop and withdrawal policy.
  • if the date of the LOA approval occurs before the Sprint 1 Add/Drop deadline, the student will be “dropped” from their course(s);
  • if the approval date occurs after the add/drop deadline, but during the period in which a student can withdraw from courses, the student will receive a W, WU or WS, in line with University policy;
  • if the approval date occurs after a student may withdraw from a course, the student will receive a failing grade for each course.
  • Should a student need to extend their LOA, they will need to submit a new LOA application
  • Upon returning from an LOA, a student will be enrolled in a program and an available Course Catalog that is most beneficial to the student. This may not be the same program and Course Catalog in which the student was enrolled prior to the LOA; typically, the longer the LOA, the less likely it is that a student will return under the same Course Catalog.
  • Students who do not return from an LOA by the date designated and are not granted an extension will be withdrawn or dismissed (depending upon academic or judicial status) from the University with their date of determination as the withdrawal date.
  • If a student loses their LOA status and wishes to return to Neumont, they will need to file an application for re-entry

Types of Leave of Absence


 Type of LOA  Duration  Documentation Requirement
  • As determined by the student’s health care provider
  • Not to exceed nine quarters
A letter from the attending health care provider outlining the expected duration of the LOA is required
 Service (humanitarian or religious)
  • To equal length of service
  • Not to exceed nine quarters
A document from the sponsoring organization outlining the reason for, type, and length of service
  • As required by the student’s military orders
  • Up to three years
A military LOA requires a copy of the student’s military orders outlining the duration of service
  •  Not to exceed four quarters
A personal LOA may be for a variety of reasons, including, but not limited to, financial or family issues
  • As determined by the Dean of Students
  • Typically no more than three quarters
An Administrative LOA is initiated by the Dean of Students. Reasons for an administrative LOA may include:
• Judicial suspension
• Course unavailability