Cancellations, Withdrawals and Refund Policy


The applicant’s signature on the Neumont University application does not constitute admission into the University until the student has been accepted for admission by the Neumont University Acceptance Committee. The applicant may request cancellation until the end of the third day of the first term of attendance. The refund is made within 30 days of receipt of such notice. First time students who withdraw within three calendar days after courses have commenced will not be assessed tuition charges.

Withdrawals and Refunds

The University employs a fair and equitable refund policy that complies with federal, state, and accreditation guidelines for the return of unearned tuition and fees in the event of withdrawal. To withdraw, a student must notify the Office of the Registrar.

Whenever possible, the withdrawal is conducted personally with the Registrar. To make an appointment for withdrawal, please contact the Neumont University Registrar.

Any monies due a student shall be refunded within 30 days of the date on which Neumont University has determined that a withdrawal has taken place. A withdrawal is considered to have occurred on the date that the student completes appropriate withdrawal forms with the Registrar. If the student ceases attendance without providing official notification, the withdrawal date used in the refund and federal Return to Title IV calculation is the last date of attendance at an academically-related activity as the withdrawal date.

If the student is unable to begin the institution’s withdrawal process or otherwise provide official notification of his or her intent to withdraw because of illness, accident, or other such circumstances beyond the student’s control, a third party may provide notice to the Registrar’s office. The date of withdrawal is the date that most accurately reflects when the student ceased academic attendance due to the circumstances beyond the student’s control.

Return to Title IV

The first calculation is done only for students who have received Title IV student financial aid and is required by federal law, which specifies the formula for the calculation (see Federal Student Aid Guide).

This “Return to Title IV” calculation is made to determine how much federal grant and loan assistance the student has earned under the federal policy. Any unearned funds must be returned to the federal student aid programs.

Institutional Refund Policy

The second calculation is to determine how much of the tuition and fees the institution may retain under the institutional refund policy. Students who have completed more than 60 percent of the quarter will receive no refund.

For students who terminate their schooling before completing more than 60 percent of the quarter, the University will perform a pro rata refund calculation.

Under a pro rata refund calculation, the University is entitled to retain only the percentage of charges (tuition, fees, etc.) proportional to the period of enrollment completed by the student. The period of enrollment completed by the student is calculated by dividing the total number of weeks in the term into the number of weeks completed in that period (as of the withdrawal date). The percentage of weeks attended is rounded up to the nearest 10 percent and multiplied by the institutional charges for the quarter.

Any unpaid balance of tuition and fees that remains after calculating the institutional refund policy and returning the amount of unearned financial aid funds, if any, based on the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy, must be paid by the student to the institution.

Timely notification by the student will result in the student being charged tuition and fees only for the portion of the period of enrollment that he or she attended as well as ensuring a timely return of federal funds and any other refunds that may be due. Failure of students to provide official notification to the University of the intent to withdraw means that the students will continue to be obligated for the tuition and fees and will delay both the return of federal funds to the appropriate programs and the return of any other refunds that may be due.

It is extremely important that the student understand the implications of withdrawing before completing the coursework in the quarter because of its potential impact on the student’s finances. Office of Financial Aid provides assistance to students to determine the exact impact of early withdrawal on their repayment obligations.

If the student (or parent, in the case of a PLUS loan) is eligible for additional funds at the time of withdrawal, the student may receive additional SFA funds.

If the student received more SFA funds than he or she earned under the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy, the institution, and in some cases the student, is required to return the unearned funds to the Federal program(s) or lender, as applicable.

Return of Student Financial Aid (SFA) Funds

If it is determined that SFA program funds must be returned, based on the student’s financial aid award, the return of SFA funds are made in the following order:

  1. Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loan Program;
  2. Subsidized Direct Loan Program;
  3. Federal PLUS Loan Program;
  4. Federal Pell Grant Program; and any
  5. Other grant or loan assistance authorized by Title IV of the HEA.

Refunds Under Exceptional Circumstances

Tuition and fees for the current term are refunded in full under the following circumstances:

  • Courses cancelled by the University;
  • Involuntary call to active military duty;
  • Exceptional circumstances, with approval of the President of the University (or designee).