Education Benefits for Veterans

Programs at Neumont University are approved for veterans training.

Post-9/11 GI Bill - Chapter 33

An individual who served a minimum of 90 days on active duty after September 10, 2001, may be eligible for educational assistance under the Post-9/11 GI Bill. Active duty served as a member of the Armed Forces or as a result of a call or order to active duty from a reserve component under section 688, 12 301(a), 12301(d), 12303(g), 12302, or 12304 of Title 10 is qualifying active duty service.

In general an individual’s eligibility to use Chapter 33 benefits expires 15 years from the date of the last discharge or release from active duty of at least 90 consecutive days. Individuals eligible under Chapter 33 are typically entitled to 36 months of educational assistance.

Individuals are limited to a maximum of 48 months of entitlement when using benefits under two or more programs.

Eligible students receive a percentage of the Chapter 33 benefit for tuition and fees, monthly housing allowance, and book stipend based on their length of service. The percentage is determined by the student’s aggregate active duty service after September 10, 2001. All creditable active duty and qualifying call-up service are combined to determine the aggregate service.

The Department of Defense (DoD) offers members of the Armed Forces the opportunity to transfer Chapter 33 benefits to their spouse or dependent children. If a member of the Armed Forces (active duty or Selected Reserve) serves six years and reenlists for 4 more years or has at least 10 years of service, then transfer of entitlement (ToE) is possible.

For more information on the Chapter 33 benefits, visit

Yellow Ribbon Program

The Yellow Ribbon Program payment is paid directly to the school on behalf of the student when the school’s enrollment certification is processed.

  • Only individuals entitled at the 100% benefit level (or their dependents using transferred entitlement) may receive Yellow Ribbon funding
  • Students who served at least 36 months or more on active duty, and,
  • Students who served at least 30 continuous days on active duty, and were discharged due to service-connected disability

The following are not eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program

  • Active Duty personnel
  • Spouses of Active Duty personnel using Transferred Entitlement
  • Fry Scholarship recipients

The program allows schools to enter into an agreement with VA to fund the tuition and fees cost that exceeds the basic tuition and fees amount payable by VA. It can provide additional funding to students whose tuition and fees charge exceeds the in-state, undergraduate cap (before August 1, 2011); or charges for out-of-state tuition, or charges in excess of the yearly cap for students enrolled in private institutions (after August 1, 2011).

VA will match each dollar the school contributes up to 50% of the difference between the basic tuition and fees amount payable by VA and the tuition and fee amount charged the student.

The combined school and VA contribution can’t exceed the tuition and fee amount charged the student.

For more information on the Yellow Ribbon Program, visit

Fry Scholarship

Effective August 1, 2009, the Fry Scholarship provides benefit eligibility for children of active duty members of the Armed Forces who died in the line of duty after September 10, 2001.

Eligible children:

  • May be married or over 23 and still be eligible
  • Are entitled to 36 months of benefits at the 100% level
  • Have 15 years to use the benefit beginning on their 18th birthday
  • May use the benefit until their 33rd birthday
  • Are not eligible for the Yellow Ribbon Program

For more information on the Fry Scholarship, visit

Montgomery GI BILL (MGIB) – Chapter 30

Chapter 30 benefits generally apply to Veterans who began active duty service for the first time after June 30, 1985, had their pay reduced $100 a month for 12 months, and received an honorable discharge.

Chapter 30 benefits are paid on a monthly basis directly to the veteran.

For more information on Chapter 30 benefits, visit

Dependents Educational Assistance (DEA) – CHAPTER 35

Educational Assistance paid to dependents of Veterans who have a service connected permanent and total disability or died as a result of service connection. Persons who may be eligible are:

  • A child (between ages 18 and 26, with some exceptions) of a veteran who is permanently and totally disabled due to a service-related condition; or who died in service; or who died of a service-connected disability; or who died while evaluated as having total and permanent service-connected disability; or who is listed as a POW or MIA.
  • The surviving spouse of a veteran who died of a service-connected disability, or died in service, or died while evaluated as having total and permanent disability resulting from a service-connected disability. Surviving spouses whose benefits stopped when they remarried can receive DEA benefits again if their remarriage ends by death or divorce, or they cease to live with the person to whom they presented themselves in public as married
  • A spouse of a veteran or serviceperson who has a total and permanent disability resulting from a service-connected disability; or who is listed as a POW or MIA.
  • The spouse or child of a service member who is hospitalized or receiving outpatient treatment for a service connected permanent and total disability and is likely to be discharged for that disability.

For more information on Chapter 35 benefits, visit

Montgomery GI Bill-Selected Reserve (MGIB-SR) – Chapter 1606

Chapter 1606 is an educational program for members who are actively participating in the Selected Reserve. Selected Reserve components include the Army Reserve, Naval Reserve, Air Force Reserve, Marine Corps Reserve, Coast Guard Reserve, Army National Guard, and Air National Guard.

The Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security (Coast Guard) determine who’s eligible for Chapter 1606. The Department of Veterans Affairs administers the program and pays benefits.

Basic eligibility requires a 6-year obligation to serve in the Selected Reserve and satisfactory participation in required Selected Reserve training. Chapter 1606 benefits are paid on a monthly basis directly to the reservist.

For more information on Chapter 1606 benefits, visit

Reserve Educational Assistance Program (REAP) – Chapter 1607

This is an educational program for active members of the Selected Reserve called to active duty and members of the Individual Ready Reserve (Army IRR, Air Force IRR, Navy IRR and Marine Corps IRR) called to active duty in support of a contingency operation or a national emergency declared by the President or Congress. The Department of Defense and the Department of Homeland Security (Coast Guard) determine who’s eligible for Chapter 1607. The Department of Veterans Affairs administers the program and pays benefits.

Members of the Selective Reserve may be eligible for Chapter 1607 and Chapter 33 after serving 90 consecutive days on active duty for a contingency operation.