Financial Information

Tuition and Fees

Tuition is billed quarterly and based on a full-time rate, in accordance with the chart below. Tuition and fees are subject to change. The expected length of attendance for undergraduates in the Associate program is eight quarters and in the Bachelor program is twelve quarters--assuming a normal rate of progress. The calendar year contains four quarters. However, an academic year is only three quarters (nine months).


Type of Charge Amount Description 
Application Fee $50 One-time, non-refundable fee paid upon initial application
Enrollment Fee $100 One-time, non-refundable fee paid upon initial enrollment
Part-Time Tuition $3,335 Per quarter, flat-rate
Books & Supplies (estimated) $400 Per quarter
Required Laptop (estimated) $2,000 One-time cost charged in the first quarter only
Academic Fees Amount Description
Late Registration/Add/Drop Fee $50 Charged per event
Transcript Fee $5 Charged per request


Type of Charge Amount Description 
Application Fee $50 One-time, non-refundable fee paid upon initial application
Enrollment Fee $100 One-time, non-refundable fee paid upon initial enrollment
Part-Time Tuition $267 Per quarter credit hour
Books & Supplies (estimated) $400 Per quarter
Required Laptop (estimated) $2,000 One-time cost charged in the first quarter only
Academic Fees Amount Description
Graduation Fee $100 One-time fee charged in the final quarter only
Late Registration/Add/Drop Fee $50 Charged per event
Transcript Fee $5 Charged per request


Type of Charge  Amount  Description 
Application Fee $35 One-time, non-refundable fee paid upon initial application
Enrollment Fee $100 One-time, non-refundable fee paid upon initial enrollment
Activity & Facility Usage Fee $150 Per quarter
Technology Fee $200 Per quarter
Transportation Fee $100 Per quarter
Full-Time Tuition $7,650 Per quarter when enrolled in 12 or more credits
Credit-Hour Tuition $600 Per credit hour when enrolled in 11 or fewer credits
Books & Supplies (estimated) $400 Per quarter
Neumont Required Laptop (estimated) $2,500 One-time cost charged in the first quarter only
Neumont Student Housing (optional) $1,890 Per quarter estimate based on housing selection
 Academic Fees  Amount  Description
Graduation Fee $100 One-time fee charged in the final quarter only
Late Registration/Add/Drop Fee $50 Charged per incident
Transcript Fee $5 Charged per request
Course Audit Fee $100 Charged per course audited
 Program Fees  Amount  Description
BS Computer Information Systems $210 Per quarter fee charged beginning in the fourth quarter
BS Computer Science $0 Per quarter fee charged beginning in the fourth quarter
BS Software & Game Development $50 Per quarter fee charged beginning in the fourth quarter
BS Technology Operations Mgmt $0 Per quarter fee charged beginning in the fourth quarter
BS Web Design & Development $140 Per quarter fee charged beginning in the fourth quarter

Part Time Students

The minimum full-time course load for undergraduate students is 12 credits per quarter. If a student falls below a full-time load, a per unit charge is assessed in place of the quarterly charge described above.


Textbook costs vary each quarter, as they are directly related to the courses for which the student is registered. Textbooks may be purchased through the school's online bookstore, in accordance with official institution policies, or through any other textbook vendors. At the time of issuance, textbooks become the responsibility of the student.

Financial Obligation

A student who has begun courses at Neumont assumes a defined financial obligation. Each student is legally responsible for his or her own educational expenses for the period of enrollment. Tuition and fees for each term are due in full at the start of the term. Students who are unable to pay in full at the start of the term must arrange a payment plan for the balance. Any student who is delinquent in a financial obligation to the College including damage to school property, library fines, or payment of tuition and fees is subject to exclusion from any or all of the usual privileges of a student at the institution.

Payment Policy

Neumont requires that arrangements for payment of tuition and fees for all courses in an academic year be completed in full at the time of registration. Students may choose to pay tuition and fees by check, cash, and/or credit card.

Students eligible for employer-sponsored tuition reimbursement benefits may request a deferred payment plan. Further questions regarding these payment plans should be directed to a representative in the Office of Financial Aid. 

Students who plan to meet their financial obligations using outside sources of funds, such as federal or private loans, are responsible for providing all information and documentation necessary to obtain all forms of financial aid by the deadlines imposed by the fund source. Failure to do so may result in the student having to provide immediate payment of all applicable tuition and fees.

Financial Assistance Information

Neumont College offers financial assistance to those who qualify. The institution participates in various federal and private student financial assistance programs. In addition, the Office of Financial Aid offers institutional aid, which consists of various grants and scholarships offered to accepted and enrolled students who meet defined criteria, such as financial need, merit, transfer credit, residency, or outside scholarship criteria. A complete description of Neumont institutional aid can be found in the Scholarships and Financial Aid section of this catalog. Students should meet with the Office of Financial Aid to discuss their eligibility for institutional aid.

The primary responsibility for meeting the cost of education rests with the student and his or her family. Student aid is awarded on the basis of need regardless of age, sex, race, color, religion, national or ethnic origin, or disability.

Consumer Information

An annual consumer notice is distributed via email to all enrolled students, this information is also available through the Admissions Office. A full list of consumer information, including job types by program and retention / graduation rates, can also be found at the web address:

Cost of Attendance

A student’s financial aid package may not exceed the student’s calculated cost of attendance (COA). Tuition and fees, books and supplies, room and board, transportation, personal expenses, and other education expenses are considered in determining the student’s cost of attendance.

Notwithstanding any other provision of this or any other Neumont College of Computer Science publication, the institution reserves the right to make changes in tuition, fees, and other charges at any time deemed necessary by the College and its Board of Directors.


Certificate Programs

Online Part-Time

Tuition/Fees $10,005

Room/Board $0

Books/Supplies $1,200*

Transportation $0

Personal Expenses $0

Total Estimated Cost $11,205

*First-time students in certificate programs add $2,000 one-time laptop cost.

Associate of Science Degrees

Online Part-Time

Tuition/Fees $6,408

Room/Board $0

Books/Supplies $1,200*

Transportation $0

Personal Expenses $0

Total Estimated Cost $9,608

*First-year students in associate's programs add $2,000 one-time laptop cost.

Bachelor of Science

On Campus

Tuition/Fees $24,450

Room/Board $8,307

Books/Supplies $1,200*

Transportation $1,146

Personal Expenses $1,320

Total Estimated Cost $36,423

Off Campus

Tuition/Fees $24,450

Room/Board $8,757

Books/Supplies $1,200*

Transportation $1,146

Personal Expenses $1,320

Total Estimated Cost $36,873

Commuter Students

Tuition/Fees $24,450

Room/Board $3,520

Books/Supplies $1,200*

Transportation $1,146

Personal Expenses $1,320

Total Estimated Cost $31,636

*First-year students in bachelor's program add $2,500 one-time laptop cost.

Students may access the College Board Net Price Calculator at to estimate financial aid and total cost of attendance.

Borrower Rights and Responsibilities

When a student takes on a student loan, they have certain rights and responsibilities. 

The borrower has the right to receive the following information before the first loan disbursement:

  • Full amount of the loan,
  • Interest rate,
  • Date on which first loan repayment must be made,
  • Effect borrowing will have on the student’s eligibility for other types of financial aid,
  • Complete list of any charges the student must pay (loan fees) and information on how those charges are collected,
  • Yearly and total amounts the student can borrow,
  • Maximum repayment periods and the minimum repayment amount,
  • Explanation of default and its consequences,
  • Explanation of available options for consolidating or refinancing the student loans, and
  • Statement that the student can prepay the loan without penalty.

The borrower has the right to receive the following information before leaving school:

  • Amount of the student’s total debt (principal and estimated interest), what the student’s interest rate is, and the total interest charges on the loan(s);
  • Loan repayment schedule with first payment due, the number and frequency of payments, and the amount of each payment;
  • Where to send the student’s payments, and where to write or call if the student has questions;
  • Any fees expected during the repayment period;
  • Explanation of available options for consolidating or refinancing the student’s loans; and
  • Statement that the student can repay loan without penalty.

The borrower has a responsibility to:

  • Understand that by signing promissory notes, the student is agreeing to repay the loan according to the terms of the note;
  • Make payments on the loan even if the student does not receive a bill or repayment notice;
  • Continue to make payments until notification that the request for a deferment or forbearance has been granted;
  • Notify the appropriate representative (institution, agency, or lender) that manages the student’s loans when the student graduates, withdraws from school, or drops below half-time status; changes his or her name, address, or Social Security number; or transfers to another institution; and
  • Complete exit counseling before leaving school.

Title IV Code of Conduct Requirements

In accordance with 34 CFR §601.21, Neumont College of Computer Science must comply with the following Code of Conduct with regard to its relations with financial institutions.

  1. A ban on revenue-sharing arrangements with any lender. This is defined as any arrangement between a school and a lender that results in the lender paying a fee or other benefits, including a share of the profits, to the school, its officers, employees or agents, as a result of the school recommending the lender to its students or families of those student.
  2. A ban on employees of the Office of Financial aid from receiving gifts from any lender, guaranty agency, or loan servicer. This is not limited just to those providers of the Title IV loans. The statutory language refers to lenders of "educational loans" thus private education loans offered to students at the institution are covered in this provision as well. The law does provide for some exceptions related to specific types of activities or literature. This includes:
    • Brochures or training material related to default aversion or financial literacy;
    • Food, training, or informational materials as part of training as long as that training contributes to the professional development of those individuals attending the training;
    • Favorable terms and benefits to students employed by the school unless those same terms are provided to all students at the institution;
    • Philanthropic contributions from a lender, Graduate Agency or servicer unrelated to education loans;
    • State education, grants, scholarships, or financial aid funds administered by or on behalf of the State;
  3. A ban on contracting arrangements whereby any employee of the school's financial aid office accepts any fee, payment or financial benefit as compensation for any type of consulting arrangement of contract to provide services to or on behalf of a lender relating to education loans. 
  4. A prohibition against steering borrowers to particular lenders, or delaying loan certifications. This includes assigning any first-time borrower's loan to a particular lender as part of their award packaging or other methods.
  5. A prohibition on offers of funds for private loans. Schools may not request or accept such offers. This includes any offer of funds for loans to students at the institution, including funds for an opportunity pool loan, in exchange for providing concessions or promises to the lender for a specific number of loans, or inclusion on a preferred lender list.
  6. A ban on staffing assistance from a lender. Schools may not request or accept any assistance with call center staffing or Office of Financial Aid. However, the law does not prohibit schools from requesting or accepting assistance from a lender related to:
    • Professional development training for financial aid administrators.
    • Providing education counseling materials, financial literacy materials, or debt management materials to borrowers, provided that such materials do not disclose to borrowers the identification of any lender that assisted in preparing or providing such materials.
    • Staffing services on a short-term, nonrecurring basis to assist the school with financial aid-related functions during emergencies, including State-declared or federally declared natural disasters, and other localized disasters and emergencies.
  7. A ban on advisory board compensation. Employees of the institution may not receive anything of value from a lender, guarantor, or group in exchange for serving in this capacity. They may, however, accept reimbursement for reasonable expenses incurred while serving in this capacity.

Policies and Procedures for Verification of Applicant Information

Some students are selected by the U.S. Department of Education for a process called verification. If selected for verification, the student must provide documentation to support the data elements contained on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA.

Generally, this documentation includes copies of income tax returns (which should be submitted utilizing the IRS Data Retrieval System for the FAFSA, or provide IRS tax transcripts) or a certification that a return was not required to be filed, sources and amounts of income, household size, number of family members attending post-secondary schools, dependency status, etc.

The following procedures are in effect for those students who have been selected for verification:

  • Selected applicants should submit required verification documents within thirty (30) days of notification;
  • Students are informed of their responsibilities regarding the verification of application information, including the institution’s deadline for completion of any actions required;
  • Students are given a clear explanation of the documentation needed to satisfy the verification requirements and the process for document submission;
  • The institution will inform students in a timely manner of the consequences of failing to complete the verification requirements and the actions the institution will take if the student does not submit the requested documentation within the time period specified;
  • The institution will assist the student in correcting erroneous information;
  • If the student fails to provide the required documentation within the established time frame, the student is treated as a cash paying student until the documents are provided;
  • If the student does not meet the deadline and is not capable of making cash payments, they may be dismissed from school. If dismissed, the student may re-enter the institution only when they can provide the documentation;
  • Students are notified if the results of verification change the student’s scheduled award;
  • Any suspected case of fraud is reported to the Regional Office of the Inspector General, or, if more appropriate, to a state or local law enforcement agency having jurisdiction to investigate the matter. Referrals to local or state agencies are reported on an annual basis to the Inspector General;
  • No interim disbursements of Title IV aid are made prior to the completion of verification.

Entrance and Exit Interview/Loan Counseling

The U.S. Department of Education requires that any student receiving a federal educational loan must be notified concerning his or her loans. Neumont counsels each student regarding loan indebtedness and requires incoming students (who will utilize Title IV aid) to submit proof of entrance counseling through prior to attendance. Upon withdrawal or graduation, the College requires exit counseling (which may also be submitted online at the same website) and mails an exit interview questionnaire regarding any loans to ensure that the student understands the amount borrowed and the student’s rights and responsibilities regarding repayment.

The student must report to the Office of Financial Aid prior to withdrawal or graduation for loan counseling. The purpose of this session is to inform the student of his/her tentative total loans received while in attendance, refunds that may be made, and to provide the student with an estimated payment schedule. If the student is unable to meet with the Financial Aid Office, an exit interview questionnaire is mailed.

Cancellations, Withdrawals and Refund Policy


The applicant’s signature on the Neumont Application for Admission does not constitute admission into the institution until the student has been accepted for admission by the Neumont College Admission Committee. Once accepted, a student must sign the Enrollment Agreement in order to attend courses. An enrolled student may request cancellation of his or her enrollment until the end of the third day of the first term of attendance. The refund is made within 30 days of receipt of such notice. First-time students who withdraw within three calendar days after courses have commenced will not be assessed tuition charges.

Withdrawals and Refunds

Neumont employs a fair and equitable refund policy that complies with federal, state, and accreditation guidelines for the return of unearned tuition and fees in the event of withdrawal. To withdraw, a student must notify the Registrar.

Whenever possible, the withdrawal is conducted during an in-person appointment with the Registrar. To make an appointment for withdrawal, please contact the Strategic Initiatives & Student Success Manager.

Any monies due a student shall be refunded within 30 days of the date on which the school has determined that a withdrawal has taken place. A withdrawal is considered to have occurred on the date that the student completes appropriate withdrawal forms with the Strategic Initiatives & Student Success Manager. If the student ceases attendance without providing official notification, the withdrawal date used in the refund and federal Return to Title IV calculation is the last date of attendance at an academically-related activity as the withdrawal date.

If the student is unable to begin the institution’s withdrawal process or otherwise provide official notification of his or her intent to withdraw because of illness, accident, or other such circumstances beyond the student’s control, a third party may provide notice to the Strategic Initiatives & Student Success Manager. The date of withdrawal is the date that most accurately reflects when the student ceased academic attendance due to the circumstances beyond the student’s control.

Return to Title IV

Title IV funds are federal student aid (FSA) funds administered by the U.S. Department of Education. They include Federal Pell Grant, Iraq Afghanistan Service Grant (IASG), Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG), TEACH Grant, Direct Loans (Subsidized Direct Loan, Unsubsidized Direct Loan, and Direct PLUS loan), and Perkins loan. FSA funds are awarded to a student under the assumption that the student will attend the institution for the entire period for which the assistance is awarded. When an FSA recipient withdraws from school prior to the end of a payment period, a Return of Title IV (R2T4) calculation will be performed to determine the amount FSA funds earned as of the date of withdrawal. Neumont uses a third-party processor to assist with this calculation.

If the total amount of FSA funds earned is less than the amount of FSA funds disbursed to the student or parent, for a Direct Parent PLUS loan, the difference or unearned funds will be returned to the applicable FSA programs. However, if the total amount of FSA earned is greater than the amount disbursed to the student or parent, for a Direct Parent PLUS loan, the student may be eligible to receive a post withdrawal disbursement (PWD) of the earned FSA funds.

An R2T4 calculation will not be performed if an FSA recipient withdraws after completing the payment period and all FSA funds have been disbursed. Students with a withdrawal date that occurs through the completion of sixty (60) percent of a payment period are eligible for a prorated portion of the FSA funds disbursed. Students with a withdrawal date that occurs after completing more than sixty (60) percent of the payment period earns one hundred (100) percent of the FSA funds. In compliance with federal regulations, the College will determine how much federal student financial aid the student has earned or not earned when a student who is a Title IV recipient withdraws.

The amount earned will be based on the percentage of the quarter that was completed in days up to and including the date of withdrawal. To calculate the amount earned, the College will determine the percentage by dividing the number of calendar days completed in the quarter by the total number of calendar days in the quarter.

If there is a scheduled break of five days or more, it will reduce the length of the quarter and if the scheduled break of five days or more occurs before the student's date of withdrawal, it will also reduce the number of calendar days completed.

If the student received more than the amount of federal student financial aid earned, the difference will be returned to the federal programs from which the funds were received. Excess federal student financial aid is returned by the College in the following order: Federal Direct Unsubsidized Loans, Federal Direct Subsidized Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, Federal Pell Grant, and Federal SEOG.

Federal student financial aid funds will be returned to the aid source within forty-five (45) calendar days of the date the College determines the student has withdrawn.

The student may be required to return part of the unearned federal student financial aid funds. Any loan funds to be returned must be returned in accordance with the terms of the Master Promissory Note (MPN). If grant funds must be returned, the student must return any amount in excess of fifty (50) percent of the amount of grant funds originally received. For more information about student responsibilities in the return of funds, the student should refer to 34 C.F.R. § 668.22(h).

Institutional Refund Policy

For students who terminate their enrollment prior to completing 60 percent of the quarter, the College will perform a pro rata refund calculation. If a student has completed more than 60 percent of the quarter. the student will receive no refund.

Under a pro rata refund calculation, the College is entitled to retain only the percentage of charges (tuition, fees, etc.) proportional to the period of enrollment completed by the student. The period of enrollment completed by the student is calculated by dividing the total number of weeks attended (based on the official or unofficial date of withdrawal) by the total number of weeks in the quarter.

There are eleven (11) weeks in each quarter. The percentage of weeks attended is rounded up to the nearest ten (10) percent and multiplied by the institutional charges for the quarter. Examples are indicated below:

Students Withdrawing  Calculation  Refund % 
 Prior to the end of Add/Drop    100%
 1 Week Completed  1 ÷ 11 = 9% Rounded to 10%  90%
 2 Weeks Completed  2 ÷ 11 = 18% Rounded to 20%  80%
 3 Weeks Completed  3 ÷ 11 = 27% Rounded to 30%  70%
 4 Weeks Completed  4 ÷ 11 = 36% Rounded to 40%  60%
 5 Weeks Completed  5 ÷ 11 = 45% Rounded to 50%  50%
 6 Weeks Completed  6 ÷ 11 = 54% Rounded to 60%  40%
 7 Weeks Completed  7 ÷ 11 = 63% Rounded to 70%  0%

Any unpaid balance of tuition and fees that remains after calculating the institutional refund policy and returning the amount of unearned financial aid funds, if any, based on the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy, must be paid by the student to the institution.

Timely notification by the student will result in the student being charged tuition and fees only for the portion of the period of enrollment that they attended as well as ensuring a timely return of federal funds and any other refunds that may be due. Failure of a student to provide official notification to Neumont of the intent to withdraw means that the student will continue to be obligated for the tuition and fees and will delay both the return of federal funds to the appropriate programs and the return of any other refunds that may be due.

It is extremely important that the student understands the implications of withdrawing before completing the coursework in the quarter because of its potential impact on the student’s finances. The Office of Financial Aid provides assistance to students to determine the exact impact of early withdrawal on their repayment obligations. 

If the student received more student financial aid funds than they earned under the Federal Return of Title IV Funds policy, the institution, and in some cases the student, is required to return the unearned funds to the Federal program(s) or lender, as applicable.

Refunds Under Exceptional Circumstances

Tuition and fees for the current term are refunded in full under the following circumstances:

  • Courses canceled by the school,
  • Involuntary call to active military duty,
  • Exceptional circumstances, with approval of the school President, or his or her designee.