Incomplete (INC)

An Incomplete 'INC' is a temporary designation given at the instructor and Chief Academic Officer's discretion to a student whose course work has been of acceptable quality but who, through no fault of his or her own, is unable to complete the required course material on schedule. This designation indicates that more than 50% of the course work has been completed, the student has been in attendance, and he or she satisfactorily completed the required work. An Incomplete 'INC' that has not been resolved by the first day of the following quarter will automatically be assigned a letter grade of 'F'. In the interim, the grade of 'INC' is calculated as credits attempted in the calculation of successful course completion percentage, but it will not impact the student’s GPA or cGPA. If the student receives a grade of 'INC' in a prerequisite course in Sprint 1 of a quarter, they will not be able to take the associated course during Sprint 2, as they will not have received credit for the prerequisite course.