Measuring Academic Progress

GPA and cGPA Calculations

The grade point average (GPA) for each quarter and cumulative grade point average (cGPA) are calculated based on courses taken in residence at Neumont. The GPA for each quarter is calculated by dividing the points earned that quarter by the total cumulative credits attempted for the GPA. The cGPA is calculated by dividing the total cumulative points earned by the total cumulative credits attempted for the GPA.

The number of points awarded for each course is determined by multiplying the points listed for each letter grade by the number of credits of the course. For example, a grade of A in a four-credit course earns 4 (credits) x 4.0 (points) for a total of 16.0 points and a grade of C in a three-credit course earns 3 (credits) x 2.0 (points) for a total of 6.0 points.

Repeating Courses

A student may choose to repeat a Neumont course in order to improve their cumulative Grade Point Average. Credit is only given for the last grade earned when repeating a course. Repeated courses will appear on the student’s transcript. The first attempt will also be shown; however, the student's cumulative Grade Point Average (cGPA) is recomputed to count only the most recent attempt. All repeats are charged at the current tuition rate.

Credits may only be earned once per course. If a student retakes a course they earn credits just once, but credits from each enrollment count toward credits attempted for the purpose of calculating pace.

Repeating a course may have an impact on a student’s eligibility for Title IV funding. Federal regulations allow students to receive federal aid for only one repeat of a previously passed class. The Department of Education considers any grade above an F to be passing, even if an institution requires a higher grade for the student to earn credit. This means that a grade of C-, D+, D, or D- will be considered a passing grade for the purposes of this repeating courses policy only, even if the school or program policy requires a higher qualitative grade to have been considered to have passed the course. Students should contact the Office of Financial Aid for more information and to discuss the application of this policy.

Academic Deficiencies

Following the conclusion of each grading period, the academic record of each student is audited by the Registrar. As a result of this audit, it may be necessary to change the student's course schedule and/or to place the student on a status of Financial Aid Warning, Financial Aid Probation, academic Dismissal, or Extended Enrollment.

Course Work Make-up Policy

The determination as to if, when, and how missed course work is to be made up by a student is at the sole discretion of the instructor responsible for the course. It is the instructor’s responsibility to notify students of their make-up policy at the beginning of the course and include that policy in the course syllabus.

Course Availability

For the Associate degree program, each course needed to fulfill graduation requirements is offered on a set schedule. The ASSD program is designed to be completed in eight quarters. However, if a student deviates from this schedule, fails courses, or leaves school for a period of time, one or more required courses may not be available. If a required course is no longer available because the course has been “taught out,” or has already been offered multiple times to students in a cohort, the student may be required to take a substitute course or complete a course at their own expense through concurrent enrollment.

Transfer Credit - Application of Grades and Credits

Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of the cumulative Grade Point Average (cGPA) but are included in the calculation for pace, which is the total number of credits earned divided by the number of credits attempted.

Application of Grades and Credits

Transfer credits are not included in the calculation of cGPA but are included in the “Total Number of Credits Earned.” A grade for a repeated course replaces the original grade in the calculation of cGPA; however, the original course credits remain included in the “Total Number of Credits Attempted” in order to determine Pace. The original credits are considered as not successfully completed.