Undergraduate Program Overview

Neumont takes pride in its systematic, industry-driven approach to education. Neumont's curriculum comprises elements of problem- and project-based learning, competency-based assessment, and active engagement to maximize the learning of each student. 

General Education Outcomes Across Programs

The general education curriculum contains a variety of topics intent on building well-rounded individuals who are capable of being an effective part of society. These classes focus more on general competencies and ways of viewing and understanding the world. This curriculum is consistent across all academic programs to ensure that each and every student, no matter the program, will graduate with the requisite non-technical skills needed to be successful in the workplace and throughout their careers no matter the field/industry they find themselves. 

General Education Groups:

  • Foundational Courses
  • Communications
  • English
  • Mathematics
  • General Sciences
  • Humanities


  • Demonstrate effective problem solving and critical thinking skills
  • Effectively communicate in a professional setting
  • Utilize technical and non-technical expertise in team-based, collaborative environments
  • Plan, design, implement, and supervise technical and non-technical projects
  • Produce professional-quality specifications, models, and other documents
  • Effectively apply course objectives to personal and professional settings

Project Courses

In project courses students are immersed in a hands-on, team-based learning environment. These projects expose students to large-scale problems with complex solutions which require teamwork and collaboration to successfully achieve results. In these courses students apply the subject matter competencies learned in other core courses. Additionally, students gain experience practicing the communication, collaboration, and leadership skills which are so crucial to the success of all Neumont graduates. These project courses, together with the core lecture courses, and the general education courses, provide students a rich and challenging learning experience.

To ensure depth of instruction, and allow students to both learn concepts and apply them, Neumont pairs lecture and project courses that share the same learning objectives. Together, these paired lecture and project courses are considered a single prerequisite; a student must pass both in order to move into the next set of courses. 

Students work on internal projects while they are learning the intricacies of specific skills associated with their discipline. Internal software projects are controlled, designed, and structured by faculty to ensure student mastery of required competencies. In their final quarters, students participate in Enterprise Projects which expose students to external organizations with real business needs and constraints. These projects give students opportunities to learn in a variety of environments which they may encounter throughout their careers.


Neumont offers the following undergraduate programs:

Course Naming Conventions

All courses with numbers between 100 and 299 are generally considered lower-level courses. Courses numbered between 300 and 499 are upper-level courses. The following naming conventions are used to identify all the categories of courses:

BIT Business Information Technology
BUS Business
CSC Computer Science
Database Technology
ENG English
FAC Fine Arts and Communications
GAT Gaming Technology
HUM Humanities
ITH Information Technology
ITS Information Security
LIT Literature
LNG Language
MAT Mathematics
MGT Management
MOA Modeling and Analysis
MTM Multimedia
NEU Neumont Studies
PRO Projects
PSC Physical and Biological Science
SEN Software Engineering
SSC Social Science
TST Testing