Extended Enrollment Status

A student who does not meet SAP and who has been notified that they are dismissed from the university may be eligible to continue in an extended enrollment status, but are subject to the following limitations:

  • The student may be in extended enrollment status for one quarter following a Warning or Probation quarter.
  • The student will not be eligible for Title IV/HEA funding and will be charged for courses at the current tuition rate.
  • Credits attempted during the extended enrollment quarter will be counted toward cGPA and Pace.
  • At the end of an extended enrollment quarter, students must meet SAP standards or they will be dismissed from the University; these students may not appeal their dismissal.
  • Students will not be eligible to graduate if they exceed one- and one-half times the standard time frame, either as a regular student or in an extended-enrollment status. (See the Pace section.)
  • The student must petition the Office of Student Affairs in writing for approval of extended enrollment status. If extended enrollment status is granted, the student must meet with a member of the Office of Student Affairs and agree to a written corrective action plan.
  • A request for extended enrollment status will only be granted if the student can mathematically meet SAP at the end of the extended enrollment quarter.
  • At the end of the extended enrollment status period, if the student has met SAP requirements, he or she will—for the subsequent quarter—resume eligibility for federal financial aid and return to good academic standing with the University. If SAP is still not met, he or she will be dismissed from the university with no immediate appeal option. (For more information, see Re-Establishing Eligibility re-admission requirements in the Course Catalog.)