Late Withdrawal (LW)

In extenuating circumstances in which a complete withdrawal from school, or an incomplete grade for a course, is not deemed the best action to take, a student may petition for a Late Withdrawal through the last day of classes. The term “extenuating” circumstances includes, but is not limited to: incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes, a death in the immediate family, or other emergencies deemed appropriate; circumstances may also include “best interest of the student.”

A course that qualifies for a Late Withdrawal will count toward a student’s pace but not toward calculation of their grade point average; in all ways, an LW is equivalent to a Withdrawal or W grade. A grade of “LW” will be posted on the student’s transcript.

Students requesting a late withdrawal must submit a Petition for Late Withdrawal to their Advocate. Supporting documentation confirming the extenuating circumstances must accompany the petition. The petition must be approved by the Advocate, the Chief Academic Officer, and the Dean of Students, or their designees.