Course Withdrawal

W/WU/WS/IW Course Withdrawal

Students who officially withdraw from a course after the Add/Drop Period but before the completion of the first eight class days of the quarter or sprint are given a ‘W’ (withdraw) grade for that course. Between class day nine and class day 12, students will earn a ‘WS’ (withdraw satisfactory) or ‘WU’ (withdraw unsatisfactory), depending on the status of course work accomplished as of the withdrawal date. Students  are not allowed to withdraw from a course after class day 12 of the quarter or sprint.

A grade of ‘WU’ is given to a student for violation of Neumont’s Academic Event Policy. Refer to the Student Handbook for the specific details regarding the Neumont University Academic Event policy.

An official course withdrawal is initiated with the Office of the Registrar. A ‘W’ or a ‘WS’ grade does not apply to a student’s grade point average but does apply to a student’s Pace.

A ‘WU’ grade is applicable to both a student’s grade point average and course completion ratio and is the equivalent to a grade of 'F.'

An ‘IW’ (involuntary withdrawal) does not apply to a student’s grade point average nor does it apply to a student’s Pace.

Final grades are reported at the completion of each sprint and quarter, and are available to each student.

Academic Event Policy

The purpose of the Academic Event Policy is to foster behaviors that facilitate student learning and reflect the standards expected in the workplace.

Students are expected to be present at all of their regularly scheduled class sessions. A student may be assigned zero credit for any assignment missed because of absences. Students are also expected to be in class on time and remain for the entire session. Classroom participation is particularly important at Neumont since many of the courses require collaborative learning activities. Grades may be lowered due to violations of these policies.

Students who violate the Academic Event Policy may be subject to removal from a course. Neumont reserves the right to dismiss a student based upon poor attendance. Instructors may have an even more rigid attendance policy (than this policy) for their individual courses that is announced at the beginning of each quarter and included in the course syllabus.

Refer to the Student Handbook for the specific details regarding the Neumont University Academic Event Policy.

Late Withdrawal (LW)

In extenuating circumstances in which a complete withdrawal from school, or an incomplete grade for a course, is not deemed the best action to take, a student may petition for a Late Withdrawal (LW) through the last day of classes. The term “extenuating” circumstances includes, but is not limited to: incapacitating illness which prevents a student from attending classes, a death in the immediate family, or other emergencies deemed appropriate; circumstances may also include “best interest of the student.”

A course that qualifies for a Late Withdrawal will count toward a student’s pace but not toward calculation of their grade point average; in all ways, an "LW" is equivalent to a Withdrawal or "W" grade. A grade of “LW” will be posted on the student’s transcript.

A students requesting a late withdrawal must submit a Petition for Late Withdrawal to their Advocate. Supporting documentation confirming the extenuating circumstances must accompany the petition. The petition must be approved by the Advocate, the Chief Academic Officer, and the Dean of Students, or their designee.