Grading System and Progress Reports

Grades earned in each course are recorded on the student’s permanent record. Evaluation of student achievement is made in relation to the attainment of the specific objectives. At the beginning of a course, the instructor will provide students with a syllabus detailing these objectives and the basis upon which grades are determined. A cumulative grade point average (cGPA) of 2.00 is required for graduation. A student who fails a course is permitted to continue as long as the student makes satisfactory progress towards graduation.

To earn credits for a course, a student must earn a passing grade. For required courses, a passing grade is a 'C' or better. On a transcript, a grade of "F" and grades with an asterisk (*) are non-passing grades.

Grade definitions are as follows:

Grade Grade Point Included in Pace Included in cGPA
A 4.00 Y Y
A - 3.70 Y Y
B+ 3.30 Y Y
B 3.00 Y Y
B- 2.70 Y Y
C+ 2.30 Y Y
C 2.00 Y Y
C- 1.70 Y Y
*C- 1.70 Y Y
D+ 1.30 Y Y
*D+ 1.30 Y Y
D 1.00 Y Y
*D 1.00 Y Y
D- 0.70 Y Y
*D- 0.70 Y Y
F (Fail) 0.00 Y Y
P (Pass) N/A Y N
R (Research) N/A Y N
AUD(Audit) N/A N N
TR(Transfer) N/A Y N
TO (Test out) N/A Y N
IW(Involuntary Withdrawal) N/A N N
LW (Late Withdrawal)  N/A  Y  N
XF (Failing grade due to Academic Misconduct) 0.00 Y Y
W (Withdrawal) N/A Y N
WU (Withdrawal Unsatisfactory) 0.00 Y Y
WS (Withdrawal Satisfactory) N/A Y N
INC (Incomplete) N/A N N

Research (R)

An 'R' grade is given when a student is making satisfactory progress in a research or capstone course that extends beyond the end of the term (sprint or quarter) or in a project extending over more than one term (sprint or quarter).

Students receiving an 'R' grade must complete the course within one quarter of the posting of the 'R' grade; if not an 'F' grade is assigned as the final course grade.

Instructors may not change 'R' grades without the permission of the Director of Academics. In the event that the original instructor is no longer available to grade the work, the Director of Academics will assign a faculty member who will resolve the 'R' grade.

In the undergraduate programs, only the capstone courses will qualify for 'R' grade assignment.

Academic Misconduct Grade (XF)

A grade of ‘XF’ is given to any student who is:

  • found guilty of academic misconduct in a course, and
  • the student is assigned a failing course grade as a result of the judicial process.

A student may be assigned a failing course grade in one or all courses in a quarter. The ‘XF’ designation is a permanent record of a failing grade that is assigned as a judicial sanction.

Incomplete (INC)

An Incomplete 'INC' is a temporary designation given at the discretion of the instructor and the Director of Academics to a student who, through no fault of his or her own, is unable to complete the required course material on schedule.

All class assignments must be completed no later than the first day of the following quarter. An Incomplete (INC) that has not been resolved by the first day of the following quarter will automatically be assigned a letter grade of ‘F’. In the interim, the grade of INC will not be factored in a student's pace or cGPA calculation. Once the INC grade is converted a letter grade, the student's compliance with SAP will be evaluated.