School Withdrawal

Unofficial Withdrawal

An unofficial withdrawal or dismissal from the institution may occur due to any of the following circumstances:

  • Signature on a “Declaration to Leave” document
  • Violation of the Academic Event Policy that results in the student being withdrawn from all courses
  • Failure to attend any courses during the Add-Drop or Course Adjustment periods
  • Evidence of a student’s departure from the College documented by a staff member, including, but not limited to:
    • Notification to a Neumont staff member of their departure from school, despite failure to complete the Official Withdrawal process.
    • Statement to a member of the Neumont community of their intent to leave school, followed by their non-attendance for at least a one-week period of time.

Transfer to Other Institutions

Neumont neither implies nor guarantees that credits completed at Neumont are accepted by other institutions. Each institution has policies that govern the acceptance of credit from other institutions. Transfer of credit is a privilege granted by the institution to which a student may seek admission. Therefore, if the student anticipates a transfer of credits earned at Neumont, the student should inquire with those institutions to which they would like to transfer Neumont-earned credits.